"老師上傳檔案時的錯誤訊息" 修訂間的差異

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(新頁面: Q: 老師上傳檔案時的錯誤訊息: 發生錯誤。 請聯絡系統管理員。 為了參考起見,錯誤代號為 83429130-8420-11DC-C508-3B86E7C1635C。 A: 原廠TSM從您...)

於 2008年5月13日 (二) 05:00 的修訂

Q: 老師上傳檔案時的錯誤訊息:



為了參考起見,錯誤代號為 83429130-8420-11DC-C508-3B86E7C1635C。

A: 原廠TSM從您提供log file 看到不少Tomcat Errors,判斷應該Tomcat Erros導致。

TSM表示當系統內Log file大於200MB就有可能影響到系統運作效能,故請學校可以先看一下目前系統內Log 大小。

目前系統預設為每個7天自動輪替一次紀錄檔( 管理員面板 > 記錄檔 > 記錄檔輪替 ),TSM建議如果用量真的很大





Hi Randy,

I notice that there are quite a number of general Tomcat errors in the log file. This usually indicate some kind of instability with the system. Can you check if the size of log files in the system? If the filesize is large, please advise NCU to rotate the log files. Huge log files (>200MB) will have an impact on the system performance as it will require the a larger I/O resource to open/close these files.

Blackboard ships with a log rotation task that will collect application logs into a ZIP archive under blackboard/logs/archives and zero out the currently open logs. This is by default scheduled to run every 30 days, which was found to be too infrequent. Hence the default frequency has been raised to every 7 days and we recommend that large installs rotate their logs daily. The log rotation frequency is scheduled from the admin panel, under "Logs > Manage Log Rotation".

You can also rotate the system log files by using our RotateLogs utility tool (blackboard/tools/admin/Rotatelogs.sh) manually.

If "./RotateLogs.sh" does not succeed, you either have a filesystem permissions problem, or your existing log files are too large to fit into a ZIP file. You will then need to move the bigger-sized files to backup storage individually and restart Blackboard services.